Some of da guy know that..just spend some money. Read da msn dialog I asking y those ah pek will get cheat? He answer me cos them said like him. Pls la...u how old d ,dun have handsome look somemore not sure dick can stand or not. What point she will like u?
I know them r so adorable. Pretty, young, good body figure,softy etc them r better a lot than ur wife/gf. It pity their partner them suffer a lot to set up a company or family just like this destroy by a gal who need fast money but what can them do? do nothing.
Someone told me dun look down on them because them also felt difficult at their heart. I replied fuck ~! them r not disable, can find a normal office job. Them like to be prostitute it is because them want fast money.
I have read da news is related to da society suggest we employ a china worker. Wow, so good suggestion of cos this suggest by a guy. Wow, so convenient la can fuck at home with china maid. save a lot of spending on prostitute la. Y not agree? A wife worried is normal. Everybody know guy cant refuse da seducement. Dont tell me u not agree. Silly guy said must trust ur husband la if no trust no meaning for the relationship, only when them cut off den I have to believe that true.